Sunday, October 5, 2008

Been so busy!

I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. We have been so busy. Lots to tell you all about.
Saturday, the 20th, we went down to Westgate, by the hockey arena, and played in the fountain again. It was Gabe, Glenn, Cortney, my mom and dad, and I. Gabe had ice cream and I'll put up a picture. He had it everywhere. Good thing he could go in the fountain to clean off. He had so much fun.
Then Sunday, the 21st, we went to the kidsfair at the new football arena, University of Phoenix stadium. Gabe got to see Spongebob!!!!! That was so exciting. I'll put up that picture. Gabe also painted a pumpkin, and colored a tile. He colored a couple of pictures, saw some animals, and some other characters. Elmo was there!! He had so much fun. Then I went to Lindseys bridle shower, while daddy and Gabe went home for a nap. Then off to Aunt Dani's house for a BBQ and some horse shoes. Gabe got to play in the hose and was soaking everyone.
Then on Tuesday the 23rd Gabe went to his first swimming lesson. We went to a trial class and Gabe loved it. He did so well. He just didn't like when he had to go under the water. On his second turn, he was screaming, but he got over it fast. We went to Ama's after and he was talking about swimming, singing songs, and how much fun he had. We will be going to class every monday morning.
Glenn went to Rich's bachlor party on friday, the 26th. It was at Rich's house. They drank A LOT, of course, and they had two strippers come. They had a great time.
Then Saturday, 27th, was a very busy day, Fisher-Price had a zoo day. Gabe and I went with my parents, Aunt Dani, Lolo (Danielle's God daughter), and Aunt Cortney. Glenn and Rich were supposed to go to a concert. As you can imagine, they didn't make it. They didn't move off the couch all day. The zoo was really fun. They had some toys for the kids to play with. Then we went and played in the fountains. It was a very hot day so the water was nice. Gabe and Lolo had so much fun. Then off to see the animals. The zoo has a new water play area so we went there too. Then more animals and of course we had to have ice cream before we left. Then home again home again jiggidy jig. Well to Ama's house. Then we went to the hockey game. As always Gabe loved it.
Sunday, the 28th, Glenn, Gabe, and I went to the baseball game. We were sitting right behind the Diamondbacks dugout. Gabe was amazed, and he got to see Baxter, the mascot, right up close. He was dancing ontop of the dugout. It was a great game. It was the last game of the season and they won at the last minute.
Monday was our first real swimming lesson. Gabe had a great time again. He had to go under the water 3 or 4 times in this lesson and he screamed a little. He still loved the lesson over all. I had to take my van in for the breaks. It ended up being the cylinder so it was over 450 bucks. Thank you so much mom and dad for helping us out.
Thursday was the rehersal dinner for Rich and Lindsey's wedding. Glenn was the best man. I had to work last so I just met them for dinner. We went to Organ Stop Pizza. That place is so cool. They have made the whole restraunt into parts of the organ. We had a great time.
Friday, of course was the wedding. It was beautiful. We all had such a great time. Gabe stayed the night at Aunt Dani's house.
Then in the morning Lolo came over and they got to play all day. He came home in the afternoon and Glenn and I got to see him for a little while. Then we went to the hockey game with Aunt Dani, Aunt Cortney, and Peter. Glenn and I just stayed home and hung out. It was nice to have some time just the two of us.
And now it's Sunday. Gabe and I are just hanging out at home today. Glenn is working.
I think that everything. Sorry it's so much at once. I'll try to write more often.
Have a great day.
We love you all and miss you so much.
love always,
The Gardners